7/24(水)から27(土)にCanadaのMontrealにあるPalais des congrès de Montréal (Montreal Convention Centre) で開催されたThe 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Societyにおいて,清河と山川がポスター発表を行いました。
Kiyokawa, S., & Dienes, Z. (2019). Getting insight by talking to others – Or losing insight by talking too much?
Takahashi, M., Ishikawa, M., & Kiyokawa, S. (2019). What factors of background music disrupt task performance? Influence of types of sound, tasks, and working memory capacity on irrelevant sound/speech effect.
Yamakawa, M., & Kiyokawa, S. (2019). Commonality search shares processes with alternative categorization.